Kamis, 18 November 2010


Today as we walked outside for recess, David stopped me and asked if I would tie his shoe. As I knelt down to help him, he took the opportunity to bend my ear a little.

“You know what I want to be when I’m a normal man?” He asked.

“Do you mean when you’re a grown man?” I questioned.

“Oh yeah, when I’m a grown man…” He confirmed.

“What?” I wondered, not sure of his answer.

“I wanna be an author,” he said with a smile.

By this time, I’d finished tying his shoes and we joined the rest of the crew outside.

“But David, you’re already an author,” I reminded him.

He really is a wonderful writer and we call our students ‘authors’ each day during Writing Workshop. I guess it’s working.

“Yeah, I know, but I mean a real grown up author,” he answered.

“Then you will be,” I said.

I can’t wait to read his books.

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